Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Pampered Child Syndrome

Parents often pamper their children without realizing it. They fail to realize that they are causing much damage to them such as personalty / behavior problems. Somehow I would try to brief a little about it here.

Children (you may see them in classrooms, offices, homes or public areas):
- who are given everything, but constantly demand more;
- who believe that they are entitled to the same rights as adults, but are not ready to accept grown-up responsibilities;
- who are loved, nurtured and protected, yet are unhappy, anxious or angry; and
- who are increasingly being diagnosed with emotional, behavioral or other major psychiatric disorders.

It is a multi-faceted sociological and psychological phenomenon, driven and supported by parents who truly believe they have their children's best interests at heart, and who work hard to ensure that their youngsters are given everything possible to make them feel special.

Please do not treat this child as if they are having measles, depressed, or defiant as this will not helping at all in improving their behavior.

Here is another list of identifying and dealing with them:
- a child may not be willing to accept refusal. He/She may cry or throw a tantrum, if what is desired is not received
- a pampered child may not listen to parents (parents may compromise on authority and the child takes the parents for granted)
- even in other relationships, the pampered child has adjustment problems. Among friends, the child may expect things to go on his/her favor
- the child may hold the parents responsible for her pampered behavior and dislike them for that
- he/she feels that parents can provide anything on this earth and may make demands that parents cannot meet
- parents do not rebuke a pampered child and this can spoil the child. The child may not realize his/her limits
- parents themselves find it difficult to meet demands, although, they try to do so
- he/she may find it difficult to accept setbacks and failures, the child may find it difficult to adjust to other environments which may not be as comfortable as the parental home.

There is a book entitled "How to Recognize it, How to Manage It, and How to Avoid It" by Dr. Maggie Marmen.

15999 15999 15999... Children Rights

Remember the above number, 15999, for you may save young lives in Malaysia by just dialing that number. Please! Please! I am begging you please do report to them if you ever come across of any child being abused (physically or emotionally), threatened, tortured, sexually harassed, neglected, abandoned, used for begging, or trafficked.

Have a heart, show your sympathy, shower them with your love although they are nobody related to you. IT WOULD BE TOO LATE FOR YOU TO SHED A TEAR LATER when you read the news about a child was dead from being abused.

Read on to know more about the Malaysia Child Act 2001 [Act 611]:

(Act 611 repealed the Juvenile Courts Act 1947 [Act 90], the Women and Girls Protection Act 1973 [Act 106] and the Child Protection Act 1991 [Act 468].)

Source: Law of Malaysia

Lastly, have you heard about the smoking toddler in Indonesia? This one of the worst child abused stories that I had ever heard. It is about a child, two-year-old Ardi / Aldi, whom his father gave him his first cigarette at 18mos. I wish I could ask the mother / father to save their crocodile's tear in seeking help now.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Mother's Day 2010

This is my Mother’s Day 2010 write-up:

Many chapters have gone

My precious one is growing up fast and is catching up

Living with more excitements and worries

If there is only one wish for me before I die, it should be…

Another new and improved chapter begins

My little one turns to be a nice lady on earth

She will be smarter and wiser than me

She will be able to earn more and live well than me

Along with a sympathetic heart

She is stronger to help the poor

She is wealthier to donate to others

For I am no longer be around with her

I ask from God for a golden mask

To cover her tearful face and cast only smiles

And a steel cocoon for her

To protect her from bad and the most scary ones

Fearful less and fewer sad paths ahead

Nice spirits are always by her sides

To guide and hold her all along the way

To sing her a song to soothe her pains

Do remember these lines on every mother’s day

To reach me is not that far away

Just close your eyes and say my name

And I will be there

[I have been thinking what to write for this year Mother’s Day. Those I wanted to tell my momma are all expressed in last year post out and the only thing to continue doing is continuously shower her with my loves.

Yet I did not give up on writing a post for this year Mother’s Day, so struggling until today and that is why I am posting it out late this year (Mother’s Day 2010 blog posted on 30Jun2010 *LOL*).]