My poor little Cayenne had been suffering from diarrhea for the past 10 days. Brought her to 2 paeds but they just can't stop the diarrhea as it is the only way to let the toxic out from her body.
Paeds are not much worry about her frequent poo-poo but dehydration. I was advised by doctors to feed her more plain non-dairy food and liquid. Doctor gave her ORS and Smecta (prebiotics) to maintain her fluid and guts strength.
So during that days I feed her:
- Rice (as plain porridge with little bit of Marmite for taste)
- Lactose Free milk
- Teething biscuits
- ORS diluted with water
- 100Plus diluted with water (this she takes very little as she's not liking its taste)
- Glucolin diluted with water (for energy)
and at the same time I have also was her bum-bum with soap and water and then apply Drapolene and alternatively with 'look-yup-fun' (a white powder you may get it from chinese pharmacy). I had also tried that Earth Mama's Angel Baby bottom balm but failed as it is very oily and maybe it does not compatible with Cayenne's skin. Gotta take extra care of her bum-bum too as rashes could be worst.
Extra notes for what to feed to diarrhea baby is banana, applesauce (whole boiled / steamed then mashed apple) and toast... it is theoretically proven.
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