Monday, October 26, 2009

Diarrhea Baby

My poor little Cayenne had been suffering from diarrhea for the past 10 days. Brought her to 2 paeds but they just can't stop the diarrhea as it is the only way to let the toxic out from her body.

Paeds are not much worry about her frequent poo-poo but dehydration. I was advised by doctors to feed her more plain non-dairy food and liquid. Doctor gave her ORS and Smecta (prebiotics) to maintain her fluid and guts strength.

So during that days I feed her:
- Rice (as plain porridge with little bit of Marmite for taste)
- Lactose Free milk
- Teething biscuits
- ORS diluted with water
- 100Plus diluted with water (this she takes very little as she's not liking its taste)
- Glucolin diluted with water (for energy)

and at the same time I have also was her bum-bum with soap and water and then apply Drapolene and alternatively with 'look-yup-fun' (a white powder you may get it from chinese pharmacy). I had also tried that Earth Mama's Angel Baby bottom balm but failed as it is very oily and maybe it does not compatible with Cayenne's skin. Gotta take extra care of her bum-bum too as rashes could be worst.

Extra notes for what to feed to diarrhea baby is banana, applesauce (whole boiled / steamed then mashed apple) and toast... it is theoretically proven.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to Avoid Catching the H1N1 Virus

(especially you are with young kids)

1) Wash your hands. The best thing you can do is wash your hands with warm, soapy water. In you mind, sing-a-song like Happy Birthday, while washing your hands. This will be the amount of time needed to wash your hands thoroughly. Hand sanitizer will help too but beware of applying sanitizer with alcohol on kids for they might swallow the dangerous sum of alcohol.

2) Sneeze into your elbow. If you cannot stop a cough or a sneeze from escaping your mouth, then give it the elbow. Sneezing into the bend of your arm will catch gems that normally your hand would get while covering your mouth and nose. Sneezing into your hands, sets others up to catch bad gems already invading your body. When you touch doorknobs or shake hands with someone you are giving more than an act of kindness. Please think of the young and innocent ones, especially babies.

3) Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth. These are entry points for viruses. When you are tired try not to lift your glasses and rub your eyes, don't rub the palm of your hand up your nose if you get the sniffles, and don't chew on your fingernails because this information makes you nervous! Doing so are sure ways to let in the virus! Remember touching others like hugging and shaking hands will spread the wealth of germs to others. This is hard for young babies as they love to rub their eyes and suck their little hands. If anyone of you know how to prevent this happen on young babies, please let me know. (10Q !)

4) Take daily vitamins. By taking a multi-vitamin and extra vitamin c once a day you will increase your body's ability to fight off bad germs. (Is this true? Anyone please confirm this with fact, thx again).

5) Do not go to a hospital for treatment for non-emergency injury and illnesses. The best place to catch a gem is in a hospital with many sick people and possibly carriers of the H1N1 Virus (Swine Flu). If you can wait to see your family doctor then do so.

6) Avoid travelling by plane until the flu is under control and a vaccine created. Being confined in closed quarters is the perfect way to spread a virus. Do not travel to Mexico unless it is necessary; it is probably best not go to there at all. Airlines are allowing people to change their flights without charge to avoid trips to Mexico. (I wonder why only Mexico, what about others?)

7) Wear a facemask to protect yourself and especially those who have health problems that low immune systems. There is no evidence the mask help, but they are a precaution to help prevent the spread of germs. If you live in an area that has suspected cases of H1N1 virus (swine flu) then wear a mask in public at work, on all public transportation and air travel. The CDC has recommended N95 respirator mask. They can be purchased in stores or online. (Is there any mask for young babies???)

8) Spray Lysol in your house and your car. Spray on doorknobs, toilet seats and handles; pretty much and place of that a human touches. Do this several times a day and allow spray to stay a full minute in order to disinfect. (Can I spray it onto airplane seat? Would they mind??)

Lastly, to identify the symtoms of H1N1:
- Fever
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Body aches
- Headaches
- Chills and fatigue
- Diarrhea and vomiting (sometimes)

Tips & Warnings:
1) Swine flu is a real health issue but one that can be better controlled with correct information and prevention strategies.
2) Review and re-view your prevention interventions listed in this article and make sure each member of your family or community understands them (that is why I decided to post it here).
3) Information and treatment are expected to change due to the advances in our enhanced ability to learn about swine flu and to communicate more effectively worldwide via the Internet.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Mother's Day 2009

the melody inside my heart, the unfinished song
do you realize the missing beat?

the recent world is a bit odd, is like the missing pieces
that music of my heart is such an indescribable feeling

do you feel touch while you are listening to it
me myself do not know how nice it sounds indeed

this endless incomplete melody
sounds so real inside me, it makes me wanna sing

now, I wanted to complete this melody
though others may thought that I am crazy

“mama… mama u know I love u
and loving u is like the food to my soul”

- p/s: this message is posted to my other blog page too -

Monday, May 4, 2009

Porridge first or Cereals?

Time really flies, Cayenne grows older and wiser each day. She is now smiles more to us which makes everyone so happy to meet her.

Went to visit Calvin's aunt in Puchong yesterday, she advise us not to feed Cayenne sweetened food like cereals first as this might makes her not willing to take "salty" food like porridge later. She experienced this from Ian boy.

What the experts have to say about this? Please insert your "two-cents" here!!

Thank you (^_^)

Friday, April 17, 2009


Awww... it is so sad to see the little one coughing and having sleepless nights.

Phlegm and nose blocked are annoying Cayenne especially after feeding. She cough so badly each time right immediate after milk which later cause to vomit. This is so heart sickening to me and I blame myself for this. Brought her to the clinic for some medicine and the doctor said I shall breastfeed her to minimize all these sickness as she will get more antibodies from breast milk.

Now only I see more the importance of breast milk. I did but is only during confinement month.

Pains in me after my c-section when I could not even lie straight on my back to sleep. I tried to breastfeed her directly but it was hurt when she lies on my tummy. Then I switch over to use breast pump. Seeing her poo-poo so much every time during feeding which lead to lesser sleep is worrying me but never did I know this will eventually gone as she grows older. How I wish I knew all these before giving birth.

I shall breastfeed but now is too late. Luckily I have know a very good experienced doctor.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cayenne says "Do you hear me?"

Very often old folks especially my mom and mother-in-law told me not to carry my baby too often as this will "spoilt" them (they will ask for more). Somehow I wonder...

Young babies or infants are just normal human like us or anyone else, do you agree?. Won't they feel bored too after too long being left alone there without any entertainment or without anyone to talk to? On the other hand, is it true that they will be "spoilt" if we respond to them each time they cried for attention?

Too much of carrying your baby is another big No No to old folks. Why? Of course I am not talking about carrying him or her all around the clock but every time my mom-in-law saw me carrying my baby she will warn me. Why? Why?? You think that I am too free? Don't we suppose to let the baby "burb" each time after feeding? Aren't we suppose to comfort them when they cries for sleep or caress? Hmm??

How true are all these old folk's tales? and so... Cayenne says "Do you hear me? I'm talking to you across the water across the deep blue ocean" *LOL*.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Too Many Helping Hands

Phew! Finally I had successfully and safely gave birth to my little princess, Cayenne. Though the time in hospital was very scary but I feel relieved once I was allow to go home on the 6th day.

My loving sister offers me her place for confinement she even had prepared the room for me and my baby. Although I prefer to stay at mom's place but due to her kindness and offering I did not turn her down, so I moved in immediately after discharged from the hospital.

The first night was very exciting for all of them, sis and niece wanted to sleep with me and baby, but it was very exhausted for me. After having long hours and sleepless nights at the hospital I wish I could have a peace sleep at that moment but I could not reject them to share the room. Somehow I failed to lie down and snore straight away as my pain from the C-Section is over powering me. Cries alot!

Feelings got worst when sis wanted to move my baby over to her room when she claims that I would have sleep better without the baby beside me. Why can't she understand being a new mother, I wanted to be close with my baby. I don't deny my sis is trying to help me but somehow her procedures in taking care of my baby are not the way I prefer. Am I too stubborn or too fussy here? But it is just me!

Nightmare begun when mom has to return to work after CNY break on the 6th days which is also my 2nd day of total-sleep (all the while I sat on a long chair to sleep), sis threw everything back to me. She wanted me to learn on how to take care of my baby all by myself that night but doesn't she understand that I do need another night or two to recover before I could be independent again?

Wanted to speak to somebody but they all thought that I am crazy even the Indonesian maid made crazy stories about me. I cried again! Anyhow, my sister's behaviour is worrying me when the pacifier she stuffed into my baby's mouth is against Calvin's order. Then I knew she increased the milk volume for my baby in a sudden. Now my baby does not eat at a fix volume, she sometimes need 3.5oz and sometimes only 1.5oz is more than enough for her. Night times are the worst time to feed her as she doesn't demand on a fix volume. Spoken to mom, she blamed me that I am too pamper of my baby and I shall not rock her when she cries... haiz! Now I wanted to cry... again? Yeah! I cried for few nights at sis' place then I decided to move to mom's place and turn over a new leaf of motherhood.

Though now feeding baby at nights is a tough job but I wish I could monitor it and maintain her feed demand with a fix volume and fix time. That is why sometimes too many helping hands do not really mean a good thing.

My comment to others, plan it out the help you need during your confinement. A good helping hand is more than enough than thousands of inconsistent mindset.