Monday, May 24, 2010

Child's Nap

The average child's need to nap and on a napping schedule:

1) Newborns sleep as much and as long as they need to.
2) 4 and 12 months, babies move to two naps a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, each ranging from 20 minutes to three hours.
3) 2yo, most toddlers take a single two-hour nap in the middle of the day.
4) 3yo, some will have given up naps entirely.

As with most other sleep issues, consistency is essential.

Some says, by 15mos some children start to give up their morning nap. If you can, have your child nap in the same place that he sleeps at night. A set nap time in a set place will ensure that he gets the sleep he needs. The best times for naps are mid- to late morning for morning naps and early afternoon for afternoon naps. Don't let your child nap past 4 in the afternoon, or he'll have problems going to sleep at night. At least three hours should elapse between the end of an afternoon nap and bedtime. Make nap times consistent

And Other says,
two naps are no longer predictable, although putting your child down for a short time in the morning and again in the afternoon is recommended. By the time he's 18 months old, don't expect more than one nap per day, usually between noon and 2 p.m. Don't let your child sleep past 3, or you may have a harder time getting him to bed at night.

Anyway, I think no forcing them to sleep as it should be an enjoyable task to do.

Vitamins, Minerals and Other Nutrients They Need

Calcium: Builds strong bones and teeth, promotes healthy nerve and muscle function, helps blood clot, and helps the body convert food into energy.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs): Help build cells, regulate the nervous system, strengthen the cardiovascular system, build immunity, and help the body absorb nutrients. Necessary for healthy brain function and vision.

Iron: Important for making hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying red pigment in blood, and myoglobin, a pigment that stores oxygen in muscles. Lack of iron can cause anemia, which can result in fatigue, weakness, and irritability.

Magnesium: Keeps bones strong and the heart rhythm steady, supports the immune system, and helps maintain muscle and nerve function.

Potassium: Works with sodium to control the body's water balance, which helps maintain blood pressure. Assists with muscle function and heart rhythm and, in later years, may reduce the risk of kidney stones and osteoporosis.

Vitamin A: Plays an important role in vision and bone growth; helps protect the body from infections; promotes the health and growth of cells and tissues in the body, including the hair, nails, and skin.

Vitamin C: Helps form and repair red blood cells, bones, and tissues; helps keep your child's gums healthy and strengthens blood vessels, minimizing bruising; assists with healing, boosts the immune system, and keeps infections at bay. Also helps the body absorb iron from iron-rich foods.

Vitamin D: Helps the body absorb minerals like calcium and builds strong teeth and bones. Essential for reaching growth potential and peak bone mass. Also functions as a hormone with roles in immune system health, insulin production, and regulation of cell growth.

Vitamin E: Limits the production of free radicals, which can damage cells. Important for immunity, DNA repair, and other metabolic processes.

Zinc: Needed by more than 70 enzymes that aid digestion and metabolism, and essential for growth.