Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Mother's Day 2009

the melody inside my heart, the unfinished song
do you realize the missing beat?

the recent world is a bit odd, is like the missing pieces
that music of my heart is such an indescribable feeling

do you feel touch while you are listening to it
me myself do not know how nice it sounds indeed

this endless incomplete melody
sounds so real inside me, it makes me wanna sing

now, I wanted to complete this melody
though others may thought that I am crazy

“mama… mama u know I love u
and loving u is like the food to my soul”

- p/s: this message is posted to my other blog page too -

Monday, May 4, 2009

Porridge first or Cereals?

Time really flies, Cayenne grows older and wiser each day. She is now smiles more to us which makes everyone so happy to meet her.

Went to visit Calvin's aunt in Puchong yesterday, she advise us not to feed Cayenne sweetened food like cereals first as this might makes her not willing to take "salty" food like porridge later. She experienced this from Ian boy.

What the experts have to say about this? Please insert your "two-cents" here!!

Thank you (^_^)